
Bearing Fruit


Day 30: Be a Life-Long Learner

Welcome to Day 30 as you
Take the Missional Challenge!

Take the Missional Challenge is a 31 Day experience designed to help align believers with Jesus' mission. Each day's post includes missional concepts and activities. For more information - click here.

Bobby Clinton emphasizes that God develops leaders over a lifetime.
Leadership is a lifetime of lessons. It is not a set of do-it-yourself correspondence courses that can be worked through in a few months or years. (The Making of a Leader)
Leadership develops daily, not in a day. 

Leadership is all about influence - influencing others to follow Jesus is critical to seeing Christ's redemptive mission fulfilled. Whether you have a position or not, you have influence.

God is working to grow and shape you as a follower of Jesus, and to expand and increase your influence. This is a lifelong process. One of the lessons I learned planting Lake Hills Church is this:
Lesson #88: 
You're responsible for your own growth. 

If you don't ensure that you are growing and maturing spiritually - no one else will. It's your job. You have to pay attention to yourself.

Don't wait to be taught or mentored. Seek out what you need to help you grow. Own your personal development. As you prepare to move beyond this 31 Day Challenge, commit yourself to take daily steps to align with Jesus' mission.

And he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither, and in whatever he does, he prospers. Psalm 1:3

Commit to Daily Steps Toward 
Personal Growth and Missional Alignment
  • Reflect on where you are in the process of aligning with Jesus' mission. What progress have you made over the past 30 days?
  • Journal regarding the recent areas of growth that you've seen in your life. 
  • Develop a Missional Growth Plan for your life. Identify...
    • ...the three friends who will help you grow. 
    • ...the next three books you'll read. 
    • ...the next three steps you need to take.
    • ...the next three conversations you need to have.
  • Consider finding a coach (visit davedevries.org for more on coaching)
  • Pray and ask God to help you to continue to grow and align with His mission.

Day 30 Missional Challenge: As you align yourself with Jesus' mission, commit to daily progress. Be a life-long learner.

Related Posts:
Lifelong Learning and Blogs
Joining a Church Planting Group/Network
What Do You Want To Do?

Recommended Reading:
The Making of a Leader by Bobby Clinton (also www.bobbyclinton.com)