Mobilizing Movements: Leadership Insights for Discipling Whole Nations
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Why this book?
Christians in scores of countries are learning how to function collaboratively as the Body of Christ to make disciples among the least reached segments of their nation. The fruit of disciple-making which remains and multiplies is often best formed into new disciple-making communities (aka churches).
Much learning has taken place about national church planting processes since the first 'whole nation' strategy was successfully launched in the Philippines in 1975. (Some readers will remember Jim Montgomery's book on the strategy and vision for its expansion: DAWN 2000 (1989).
Challenges have arisen in this process and new learnings have been gained. These can be addressed practically in order to increase the effectiveness of national partnerships for the sake of the least reached - both among denominations and within Disciple Making Movements (DMM).
Many countries do not yet have committed leadership for such a national church planting process. A new generation of leaders is emerging. Younger leaders can be engaged and equipped in this nation-shaping process for Christ.
What is the relationship of this book to Jim Montgomery's DAWN 2000? - Jim Montgomery was a friend who made a great contribution but it is unwise to assume readers of this book will have read Jim's seminal book. Mobilizing Movements therefore must stand alone. I refer to Jim's book appreciatively but but do not assume familiarity with it. Many others have learned from diverse experiences in many other settings. Mobilizing Movements seeks to gather these learnings for the benefit of all.
How will the book be kept up to date? My intention is to update references in the book on an ongoing basis at Please visit and let me know of questions or issues to be supplemented (via MurrayMoerman at or of other FAQs in which you may have interest.