'Whole Nation' Church Planting Strategy

This was the 3rd of three volumes with a single purpose: "mobilize to the whole church to disciple the whole nation through saturation church planting." Similar principles apply in every nation globally.

Moerman, Murray, ed., Discipling Our Nation: Equipping the Canadian Church for Its Mission, Delta, BC: Church Leadership Library, 2005 (ISBN 0-9694564-4-1)

Preface - Murray Moerman

Chapter 1 - Discipling Canada...and the Nations - Murray Moerman

Chapter 2 - Discipling the Nation through Saturation Church Planting: Current Needs 
and Recent Progress
- Murray Moerman & Lorne Hunter

Chapter 3 - The Quebec Challenge for French Evangelical Church-Planting Initiatives - Glenn Smith

Chapter 4 - Canadian Urban Church Practice in the Twenty-First Century - Reflections for New Initiatives - Glenn Smith

Chapter 5 - The Holistic Mission of the Church for Canada: God's YES to the World - Ken Little

Chapter 6 - Reaching the World at Our Doorstep - Brian Seim

Chapter 7 - Training Evangelists for a Post-Modern Canada - Merv Budd

Chapter 8 - The Role of the Local Church in Community Transformation - Cam Roxburgh

Chapter 9 - Housechurches: A Simple Model for Reaching Canadians Outside Christ's Church - Ken Stade and Rad Zdero

Chapter 10 - Role of the "City-Church" in the Discipling of a Nation - Jack Dennison

Chapter 11 - Canada for the Nations - Geoff Tunnicliffe

Chapter 12 - Prayer and Church Planting Movements - Carol Moerman